The health and wellbeing of our children and young people is of great importance...PSHE education (personal social health and economic) is the school subject which addresses pupils' personal safety and their mental health whilst preparing them for life and work in a changing world it is... 'a curriculum for life'


"Research evidence shows that education and health are closely linked. So promoting the health and wellbeing of young people in schools and colleges has the potential to improve their educational outcomes and their health and wellbeing outcomes." A briefing for headtechers, governors and staff in education settings 2014 Public Health England

Todays pupils are growing up in a world full of opportunities but with many risks and anxieties too.

" Promoting physical and mental health in schools creates a virtuous circle reinforcing children's attainment and achievement that in turn improves their wellbeing, enabling children to thrive and achieve their full potential' Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2012; chapter 7 Life stages :school years Brooks F

A number of specific social and emotional competencies have positive effect on academic achievement: Pupils who are confident about their learning and who have a 'growth mindset' (they believe their most basic abilities can be developed)Carol Dweck 2012

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Cross Curricular Dimensions

Within E4L are a number of dimensions which weave their way through all learning on the Isle of Man. Whether treated as subjects in their own right, or delivered thematically within broader schemes of learning, cross curricular dimensions are vital for y…

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