Developing pupil’s social, personal, spiritual and moral awareness is an important and valued aspect of pupil’s learning as it encourages pupils to develop a clear code of personal behaviour, this includes respect and compassion in their treatment of others. All pupils should be aware of society’s expectations of them as citizens in the Isle of Man context and in particular of the reasons and the importance of being law abiding. Citizenship education benefits young people by helping to enable young people to make a positive contribution by developing the expertise and experience needed to affirm their rights, and understand their responsibilities, whilst preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of adult and working life. Knowing that their behaviour has consequences and appreciating the diversity of other people’s beliefs and cultures encourages pupils to not only understand the importance of equal opportunities but also to develop as responsible and aware individuals.

As UNESCO Biosphere Partners, all schools are engaged in making their environmental impact positive where possible and, as part of this, teach climate science and the importance of Climate Change to our young people at all ages.


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