Mifumi School Visit from Uganda
We were privileged in Year 3 to be asked to host visitors from a school in Uganda, who were here as the guests of their sponsors, Standard Bank.
Christine (14) and her teachers, Beatrice and Margaret, came to tell us about going to school in Uganda and about the daily lives of the children there. Our pupils were astonished to learn that children get up around 5am to help with family chores, such as fetching water and firewood or digging and weeding crops in their gardens. They then have a quick wash and head off to school, often walking barefoot from many miles away. School starts at 7.30am and only at lunchtime do the children have their first and only meal of the day, a cup of maize porridge. Classes each have 100 children, with only one teacher. Afternoon lessons finish at 5pm, after which the children walk home again in order to do more chores before bedtime when it gets dark. Although there are school holidays, the children will spend these working for their families. A very different lifestyle from ours…
Standard Bank raises funds for equipment at the school, and we could also help by donating outgrown school uniform and shoes to send to the children at Mfumi School. Please see Mrs Shimmins if you wish to donate any items - many thanks.