Our Hop Tu Naa Disco
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Last night was our Hop Tu Naa disco and everyone had such a fabulous time! We had lots of dancing and the Goo Room was amazing. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who organised and ran our disco. What a triumph! More photos to follow... Read more on the Willaston School website...

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Our Hop Tu Naa Disco
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Last night was our Hop Tu Naa disco and everyone had such a fabulous time! We had lots of dancing and the Goo Room was amazing. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who organised and ran our disco. What a triumph! More photos to follow... Read more on the Willaston School website...

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KS1 Winner
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Well done to our KS1 Froggy Ticket winner. Excellent behaviour this half term. Read more on the St Mary's School website...

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KS2 Winner
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Here is our KS2 Froggy Ticket winner for excellent behaviour this half term. Well done. Read more on the St Mary's School website...

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'Safer Schools' visit Scoill Phurt le Moirrey
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A big thank you to the team at 'Safer Schools' for giving our school community the chance to learn and understand how to educate, empower and protect our children and ourselves around the issues we all face when online. As a school it's our responsibility to teach the children about this subject an…

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Hop tu Naa
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Year 2 & 3 have been learning about the Manx tradition of Hop tu Naa with Mrs Ayres and Culture Vannin. Read more on the St Johns School website...

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Bridge Building
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“Year 6 have been learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the Clifton Suspension Bridge with Mrs Ayres as part of their Victorians topic. They have learned about how different types of bridges work, and how to make trusses and use triangulation to strengthen potential weak spots on the bridge. T…

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Moon buggy's in 2C Dolphins
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The Dolphins had lots of fun yesterday afternoon finishing their Space topic by designing and making their own Moon Buggy's. They thought carefully about what they would need and how they would travel over the moon. Once designed, they each made a prototype in their groups and practised a speech to…

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