Year 3 Owls had great fun using their problem solving skills and consolidating their maths mastery learning yesterday morning! They were greeted by 'more than/less than' tables masking taped out on their desks and for their morning mission they had to collaborate to complete them. Some numbers were already in place for them, but the rest they had to work out carefully for themselves. As you will see from the photographs the children used a range of resources to show the numbers. After that the children then had to continue to use their problem solving skills to answer word problems. For example: 'I think of a number, add 10, subtract 100 and then add 1. My answer was 342, what number did I start with?' The children used their whiteboards to work backwards through the question and do the opposite to find the answer. They then had a go at writing their own question for their partner.
Maths Mastery in the Year 3 Owls Class