Cronk y Berry eSquad have been very busy since the launch of the Safer Schools App in July. They were tasked with introducing the app in assembly and then teaching it to the children in Key Stage 2. As were piloting the app, the Safer School App development team came over to speak to the eSquad about the app. They were amazed by how knowledgeable they were with the app, general internet safety and how to get help. The team were also grateful for their valuable input on what they liked about the app and how it could be improved.

Colin Stitt and his Safer School App team returned to the Isle of Man yesterday to launch it with all schools. Paul Moutlon was covering the media coverage and popped into Cronk y Berry to speak to the eSquad who are experts in the app now! We are fortunate to have this wonderful team of pupils who are always enthusiastic in sharing the internet safety advice and who are great ambassadors for our school.

We'd like to share their interview with you and listen to their views on the app, internet safety and things they are worried about. It is their voice we need to listen to in our approach to teaching about online safety.

Click below to see the interview on the MTTV website.

eSquad Interview

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